Choosing the Path to Take: Camino de Santiago
Within our 8 weeks together, meeting weekly and gaining plenty of tools and resources, you will be well on your way to the life you dream of and the freedom and well-being you deserve! Each week’s modules build on the previous week and come together synergistically and powerfully, rewiring your brain and delving deep into the subconscious to free you almost spontaneously from within, rather than attempts at control or willpower.
We will explore your history and what got you started with alcohol. We will take a look at your neurotransmitters and find natural ways to support your brain health. You will learn many quick-acting techniques to manage anxiety, triggers and cravings.
We will explore “willpower” and how to harness it, look at unhelpful thought patterns and how to reframe them, and how to use distractions effectively. We will have a no-nonsense conversation with the part of you that has sabotaged you in the past and come to an agreement. We will also spend time experiencing self-nurture, compassion and self-forgiveness.
In addition to this wealth of information and new tools, every week I will guide you through a deep and powerful hypnotic visualization that will create profound change from within.
By the time our journey together is ending, you will be well on your way to freedom, lightness of being, hopefulness and excitement for what’s ahead.
Individual sessions are available in person and virtually. Group sessions are virtual.
I offer a complimentary consultation, so please get in touch and start on your path to FREEDOM!
This program can work well with any treatment program you might be connected with, such as SMART Recovery, Women for Sobriety, Moderation Management or AA. It offers support, resources, tools and companionship and is not to take the place of treatment.