From The Edge Effect-Eric R. Braverman, MD
¨The classic example of a biochemically based addiction is alcoholism. Faced with an excess or deficiency of dopamine, some people will begin to self-medicate, using alcohol to quiet their brain. Alcoholics usually attribute their drinking to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, two common dopamine-related conditions. However, although the brain will be temporarily sated, increased alcohol consumption begins to wreck the body. First it will lead to across-the-board nutrient depletion. Later it will affect the kidneys and liver.
Conditions that create an alcohol craving, such as depression and anxiety, can be overcome with lifestyle changes, including nutritional supplements. The biochemical cause of alcohol and drug abuse may be helped by correcting deficiencies of B vitamins (especially niacin and thiamine), magnesium, zinc, and several antioxidants and amino acids (tryptophan and phenylalanine). These are all dopamine-friendly supplements” (p. 185).